Save My Bacon exists to see you through the month when things get tough financially. We offer quickly accessible credit to even those with a poor credit history, subject to some conditions. Our aim is to do away with the lengthy procedures of conventional lending and help you get the money you need as fast as possible. This is because we understand how life can sometimes spring surprises that find us unprepared financially. For this reason we are willing to be a bit more flexible when offering credit than others would be.
Quick loan
If you need a loan, simply apply online from our website. To be able to budget for the repayments, use our loan calculator to see how much they will be. As soon as your application is received and approved, you will have the cash in about an hour. Save the time you would have wasted waiting for an application to be approved by your bank and submit your application at the Save My Bacon website.
We offer borrowers in New Zealand unsecured loans that they can access readily online. You don’t have to bring us a title deed, logbook or any other form of security to back up the cash we lend you. However, we will only offer you credit after assessing your ability to repay. Once we have established this we can lend you any amount between $100 and $600. We offer this amounts so that you can be able to pay it back without too much strain. Though the amount may seem small, it can suffice to get you out of a jam when your salary is already committed to other expenses.
Besides the mini loans of up to $600, we now offer KickStart loans ranging between $1,000 and $3,000. These are repayable for periods of up to 13 moths.
In the near future, we will even have another category for loans of between $5,000 and $20,000, so stay tuned to our website.
Unlike mainstream lenders
Our instant loans are designed to help you out of a financial jam when unexpected expenses crop up. We bridge the gap that conventional lenders cannot meet due to their long and complex lending policies. We understand your urgent need for cash and provide you with funds to meet emergency needs without asking for collateral. Even if your credit record is not quite spotless, we will listen to you. As long as you comply with our responsible lending policy, we will offer you the cash you need.
Types of products
Below are the types of loans you can access at Save My Bacon:
These products have allowed New Zealanders of all walks overcome unforeseen difficulties that they did not have enough cash or savings for. With us you will get instant access to credit without having to go through the long procedures and many requirements of mainstream financial institutions. This is why Save My Bacon has developed a reputation as one of the country’s best known informal lenders over many years.
Behind Save My Bacon is a team of highly experienced financial experts who provide quick assessment of borrowers’ financials to ensure they get credit in good time. Quick access to affordable credit without all the usual hurdles has made Save My Bacon one of NZ’s most popular informal lenders. The glowing reviews they have received from past clients testify to the efficiency of their services and the real value customers get.
Quick cash anywhere, any time
Accessibility is one of the key attributes of Save My Bacon’s products. You can simply go online and apply for the kind of loan you require from wherever you are. You can access their portal any time- you are not restricted to any business hours. The process is secure and very user-friendly, taking only a matter of minutes.
After your application has been assessed and approved, you will have your cash in your account in just 60 minutes. From A to Z, the process is simple, straightforward and secure, making it a win-win for the lender and the borrower.
Before you commit yourself to taking on any of our products, you can use the loan calculator on the website to gauge your ability to repay. This is just one of the ways in which we keep the borrowing process and our products transparent.
Affordable loans
Another reason many New Zealanders opt for Save My Bacon in their hour of need is their friendly rates.